Tuesday 27 March 2012

Keeping Your Standards High with Ingot's Deep Clean Service

Nobody’s suggesting that you are running a less than clean ship but even the cleanest of kitchens can still have areas of grease build up in hard to reach places that might escape the cleaning carried out on a daily basis.
Fridge and freezer seals, high shelving, between units and underneath or behind cookers and fridges are all areas where dirt and grease can soon build up and in doing so can pose something of a health risk.
The best way to tackle this potential hazard is to carry out a regular Deep Kitchen Clean and Alan Maynard of Ingot Services recommends doing so at least once a year.
“Having high standards within a kitchen is a good motivator for staff if they see how committed you are to paying attention to the details. Coupled with this it must always be drummed home how damaging it is to a business to have customer illness being attributed to poor kitchen hygiene. Deep Kitchen Cleaning should be complementary to the everyday cleaning carried out by staff,” explains Alan.
Demonstrating that you have regular deep cleaning as well as a regime of thorough and effective daily cleaning will go a long way to impressing any Environmental Health Officer and show that you are aware of current Health and Safety Legislation and its importance in the work place.
For more information on Ingot Services and our Deep Kitchen Clean visit www.ingotservices.co.uk or call us free on 0800 731 7892

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